The main purpose of the 9/11 Truth Alliance is to provide the ability for 9/11 truth advocates to network independent of beliefs, organizational red-tape, and social networking platforms. The main tool this website offers to connect people is a directory that is password protected and will only require (at a minimum): first name, last name email address and address. The user can supply more information as they feel comfortable.

Why 9/11 Truth Matters

Closing in on 2 decades following the events of 9/11, the truth not only still matters, but matters more than ever, as we still live with the consequences today:

Never-ending wars based on a lie, resulting in 1.5 million dead in the Middle East

Creation of the USA Patriot Act

Loss of civil liberties

Surveillance State and Bulk Data Collection

Militarization of police

Increased power of corporations

Justified use of torture and drones

A military industrial complex on steroids

Increased power of the Deep State

The true criminals have not been brought to Justice


A very dedicated group of people are working on our behalf
to finally shed light on the actual events from 9/11.  
If you can't donate your time, your 
Architects and Engineers
for 9/11 Truth
To Anyone Who
Would Have An Interest
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You may have the skills
they are looking for.


Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth.org) focuses on the scientific impossibilities surrounding the collapses of WTCs 1, 2 and 7.

Better Yet...

The Truth Action Project (911tap.org ) has as a mission "to build and mobilize a global grassroots movement to create a groundswell of civic support that achieves transparency and accountability for the crimes of 9/11, justice for its victims, an end to unwarranted wars, and restoration of our civil liberties".

The Firefighters for 9/11 Truth (ff911truth.org) aim to "honor [their] 343 fallen brothers and all people who have lost their lives due to the 9/11 attacks, ongoing 9/11 conflicts, and the consequential 9/11 illnesses".

The Lawyers' Committee (911lawyers.org) has as its overall mission "to develop and implement a detailed legal strategy to achieve transparency and accountability under the law, regarding the unprosecuted crimes of 9/11".