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The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the terrorist group Al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. We are told that nineteen hijackers, armed with boxcutters, set out to take control of four air planes and crash them into their intended targets.
Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into World Trade Center Towers 1 (the North Tower) and 2 (the South Tower) in Lower Manhattan, at 8:46 and 9:03 respectively. Both 110-floor towers, succumbing to the fires resulting from the impact, collapsed within 2 hours due to fire-induced structural failure.
The third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, crashed into the Pentagon, while United Airlines Flight 93, which was assumed to be targeting the White House, crashed in Shanksville, PA, after some passengers tried to subdue the hijackers.
The official version has long been questioned by millions, not least of which the organization Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (ae911truth.org).
We are being asked to believe that WTCs 1 and 2, 110 storeys each, fell, symmetrically, in 11 seconds, against the path of most resistance (hundreds of thousands of cold concrete and structural steel), at near free fall acceleration into their own footprint.
WTC7 specifically was never hit by a plane. The uniform 7-second collapse of this 47-storey highrise was blamed on pockets of fire by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Both collapses run counter to the most basic laws of physics.
Controlled demolition is the only explanation for the rate of collapse of all three towers.
Molten steel was seen "flowing like lava" underneath both WTCs 1 and 2. Office fires - even if initially ignited by jet fuel - do not burn hotter than 1500F, while a temperature of 2800F is required to melt steel.
Four different dust samples collected in the WTC dust showed the presence of nanothermite, a form of thermite with explosive properties engineered at the nano-level - a substance that would have had to have come from an extremely high-tech lab.
NIST admitted to never having looked or tested for explosives.
The Pentagon is a contentious subject even among those who question the official story. While the majority believe that no plane hit the Pentagon - citing the impossible flight path that would have been required to turn around the plane, a smaller-than-expected hole in the Pentagon wall, the absence of any kind of video save 5 distinct frames offered up by the officials (despite the Pentagon being surrounded by hundreds of security cameras) and the limited amount of debris found at the crash site - there are some who, despite questioning the official version, maintain that a plane did in fact hit the building.
Where one would have expected to find plane debris concentrated in one area, we were only offered an image of a giant hole in the ground, while pieces of an airplane were instead found spread over several miles, suggesting that the plane was shot down before it hit the ground.
But even here, those questioning the official narrative have been found to be in disagreement over exactly what happened, and there is no formal consensus.