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Be respectful of people's resistance - to being approached in general, and on the subject of 9/11 in particular. Your best bet is to pique their curiosity, make it sound like you're doing a survey on their knowledge of 9/11. You can use the 9/11 quiz for dummies and offer them the suggested multiple choices - people enjoy the challenge when they think they easily pass a quiz, yet they will quickly realize how little they know about even the fundamentals - and give them a hard copy quiz to take home. You can ask them to describe what they see as you show them the 7-second clip of Building 7 collapsing, and explain what it really is.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth.org) focuses on the scientific impossibilities surrounding the collapses of WTCs 1, 2 and 7.
Better Yet...
The Truth Action Project (911tap.org ) has as a mission "to build and mobilize a global grassroots movement to create a groundswell of civic support that achieves transparency and accountability for the crimes of 9/11, justice for its victims, an end to unwarranted wars, and restoration of our civil liberties".
The Firefighters for 9/11 Truth (ff911truth.org ) aim to "honor [their] 343 fallen brothers and all people who have lost their lives due to the 9/11 attacks, ongoing 9/11 conflicts, and the consequential 9/11 illnesses".
The Lawyers' Committee (911lawyers.org) has as its overall mission "to develop and implement a detailed legal strategy to achieve transparency and accountability under the law, regarding the unprosecuted crimes of 9/11".